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Cheryl Holdridge: The Mickey Mouse Club #12

Cheryl Holdridge: The Mickey Mouse Club #12

Cheryl Holdridge was a Mouseketeer on The Mickey Mouse Club, beginning with the second season and working on it on the third season, as well. She was put on the Red Team, but not used much in solos on the show. She married three times, with her first marriage giving her the title of Countess, and was widowed twice. A talented dancer and actress, she had an active acting career until her first...

Walt Disney Inspirations: Marc Davis

Marc Davis: Disney Inspirations

Marc Davis is one of the best-known of the animators at the Disney Company. In fact, he is one of the company’s original panel of respected animators that were depended upon to make the early Disney cartoon movies magical. He also had an important hand in designing many of the characters on the iconic Disney theme park rides. Here is his story.

Jimmy MacDonald: Walt Disney Inspirations

Jimmy MacDonald: Disney Inspirations

You may not have heard of Jimmy MacDonald, but you’ve certainly heard his voice and the sound effects he created. Learn more about his rich Disney career here!

X Atencio: Walt Disney Inspirations

X Atencio: Disney Inspirations

He was an animator, stop motion designer, and Imagineer for the Walt Disney Company. In fact, he was hired by the company at age 18, while still an art school student, and made his entire career with the company. He eventually became a Disney Legend. Here is his intriguing and unique story.