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Category - Disney Villains

Dr. Facilier: Disney Villains

Dr. Facilier: Disney Villains

Dr. Facilier is the villain of the Disney animated film, The Princess and the Frog. He is a witch doctor in New Orleans who practices dark voodoo magic, and makes genie-like deals with unsuspecting victims. This character is one of the most popular villains in the Disney world, and is now a part of their official villains franchise. This is what you need to know about this character.

Captain Hook: Disney Villains

Captain Hook: Disney Villains

Captain Hook is the villain in the 1953 Walt Disney animated movie, Peter Pan. Captain Hook is one of the most popular Disney villains, and is also one of the most highly recognizable ones. This is the story of how he was developed, who he is, and who he was based on.

Cruella de Vil: Disney Villains

Cruella de Vil: Disney Villains

Cruella de Vil is the villain of the Disney cartoon 101 Dalmatians and the novel upon which it is based. She is an innately villainous character, seemingly born that way, with no motive other than to get what she wants, and no empathy. A classic narcissistic sociopath, Cruella is an iconic villain in modern fiction. Read more about this Disney villain here.

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